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Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga
in Finland

In honour of Master/Acharya Daphne Bigcas


Päivitetty: 14. toukok. 2020

(the way my limited mind recollects the topic)

Thank God I was blessed with enough understanding to participate the two lecture nights given by M. Daphne in March 2009, Helsinki. She was on her way to teach in Italy.

M. Daphne mentioned about tithing, giving in advance where you need to go or what you need to do, so she paid her flight ticket to Finland herself. M. Daphne had just been lecturing somewhere privately to a Royal Family. She taught us about the importance of scheduling one’s life. A lesson that I think I am only starting to get now. I am sure she lived hers to the dot as Hannele’s email earlier today said that MCKS trusted M. Daphne to be the only woman who could successfully supervise the construction of the Arhatic Yoga Ashram in India.

In Singapore Convention (Wesak 2011) M. Daphne taught about the weaknesses and virtues which she said that Master used to give as a separate five day course. M. Daphne mentioned her mother was present at the Convention…may the souls that formed her family in this life be blessed with Divine light, love and power at this moment their daughter chose to move on. I was also immensely blessed to have given the chance to have participated in M. Daphne’s Health Expo troops by doing sample healings for the visitors.

I think it was also M. Daphne who lectured on an online video that we only pray God when we really really want something (probably instead of listening the voice of our Higher Souls telling us what we actually need.)  I think I’ve heard Hannele mention MCKS used to use M. Daphne to double check His scanning because she was so good at it. If I am not mistaken, the ability to scan accurately is said to be related to the ability to LISTEN.

What a remarkable lady living MCKS’ teachings. Hopefully, somewhere in time my soul can shine a fraction of the light what Master Daphne Bigcas’ light is. I hope this text has been written with enough of sincerity, humility and gratitude.

The first lesson learnt by Acharya Daphne: List the 3 purposes of your life.

What are yours? 1. 2. 3.




Pranic Healing Finland is affiliated with the Institute for Inner Studies Inc. All instructors are licensed through the Institute for Inner Studies Inc.



Pranic Healing Keskus
Korppaanmäentie 28, Helsinki

Lisätietoa kursseista ja hoidoista:
040 5881821 (Whatsapp/SMS)

Y-tunnus: 1661773-4


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